The PAVRO Professional Development Team is Proud to Present:
Engaging the Older Adult Volunteer: Exploring Recruitment Challenges and Using Market Research to Find Recruitment Solutions – A Case Study Based on the Aphasia Institutewith Aleksandra Vasic, CVA and Shannon Hill, CVA
Join us Thursday, April 10 at 12 PM ET
Join other PAVRO members as Shannon Hill and Aleksandra Vasic lead us through a workshop on engaging Older Adult volunteers. This presentation will be based on an internal survey conducted by Shannon Hill and the Aphasia Institute. The Challenge: How to Engage Older Adults in Volunteering. Like many organizations, the Aphasia Institute is experiencing a decline in the number of older adults applying to volunteer with the Institute. To learn more about how to access this demographic, Shannon will present her findings from an internal survey of her volunteers 55+ to get their input on how older adults access information, what media they’re using and what they might be seeing as possible barriers to volunteering currently. Shannon has a sample group of 35-40 volunteers within this demographic and whose volunteer experience spans 5 to 25 years with the Aphasia Institute. Aleks will provide additional context to this case study by exploring the broader topic of the importance of engaging older adults in volunteering, understanding the barriers faced by this demographic and some strategies to make organizations more age-friendly and attractive to the older adult volunteers.
Presenter Bios:
Shannon Hill, CVA, is an active member of the Leadership Team and has enjoyed over 17 years leading the Volunteer Services program at the Aphasia Institute in Toronto. Shannon is a long-standing member of PAVRO and has held executive roles with the Toronto Association of Volunteer Administrators (TAVA). In the past 2 years she played a key role in the Accreditation process for the Aphasia Institute. Prior to her work with Aphasia Institute, Shannon worked in the field of vision rehabilitation for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. A little bit about Aphasia: Aphasia (uh-fay'-zhuh) is an acquired communication disorder most often the result of stroke or injury to the brain and affects a person’s ability to communicate—it is not a cognitive impairment—people with aphasia are intelligent, competent individuals with the ability to think, feel and make decisions. The Aphasia Institute is an internationally recognized Canadian resource working in partnership with communities to break down language barriers, build communication ramps, and rebuild lives for those affected by aphasia. Through a variety of community-based programming, primarily delivered by volunteers, persons with aphasia develop communication strategies and explore new ways to rebuild their lives after stroke. Over 100 volunteers are active in the delivery of Conversation groups, creative programs, one-to-one communication support and community outings. https://www.aphasia.ca/ Shannon’s on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannon-hill-4838913b/ Aleksandra Vasic, CVA, is a certified volunteer engagement professional with over 15 years of experience managing volunteer programs in a variety of social service settings. She is currently the Executive Director of Hand Up from Hunger Toronto, a volunteer-run organization addressing food insecurity for families in Toronto.. She is a Past President of PAVRO, the provincial association for Volunteer Engagement professionals and a Past President of TAVA (the Toronto Association for Volunteer Administrators). She currently serves as the Chair of the Family Council at Ina Grafton Gage Home in Scarborough. She lives in Toronto with her partner and dog and loves spending time with her two daughters and two stepdaughters. Feel free to connect with her on LinkedIn.
Shannon Hill, CVA, is an active member of the Leadership Team and has enjoyed over 17 years leading the Volunteer Services program at the Aphasia Institute in Toronto. Shannon is a long-standing member of PAVRO and has held executive roles with the Toronto Association of Volunteer Administrators (TAVA). In the past 2 years she played a key role in the Accreditation process for the Aphasia Institute. Prior to her work with Aphasia Institute, Shannon worked in the field of vision rehabilitation for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind.
A little bit about Aphasia:
Aphasia (uh-fay'-zhuh) is an acquired communication disorder most often the result of stroke or injury to the brain and affects a person’s ability to communicate—it is not a cognitive impairment—people with aphasia are intelligent, competent individuals with the ability to think, feel and make decisions.
The Aphasia Institute is an internationally recognized Canadian resource working in partnership with communities to break down language barriers, build communication ramps, and rebuild lives for those affected by aphasia. Through a variety of community-based programming, primarily delivered by volunteers, persons with aphasia develop communication strategies and explore new ways to rebuild their lives after stroke. Over 100 volunteers are active in the delivery of Conversation groups, creative programs, one-to-one communication support and community outings. https://www.aphasia.ca/
Shannon’s on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannon-hill-4838913b/
Aleksandra Vasic, CVA, is a certified volunteer engagement professional with over 15 years of experience managing volunteer programs in a variety of social service settings. She is currently the Executive Director of Hand Up from Hunger Toronto, a volunteer-run organization addressing food insecurity for families in Toronto.. She is a Past President of PAVRO, the provincial association for Volunteer Engagement professionals and a Past President of TAVA (the Toronto Association for Volunteer Administrators). She currently serves as the Chair of the Family Council at Ina Grafton Gage Home in Scarborough. She lives in Toronto with her partner and dog and loves spending time with her two daughters and two stepdaughters. Feel free to connect with her on LinkedIn.