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  • What is Data Storytelling? with Veronica Deally

What is Data Storytelling? with Veronica Deally

  • September 21, 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Virtual
  • 65


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 The PAVRO Professional Development Team is Proud to Present:

What is Data Storytelling? with Veronica Deally

Thursday, September 21st   at 12:00 PM ET  

Workshop Abstract:

Data Storytelling is the concept of building a compelling narrative based on insightful analytics that help to tell your story. In this workshop, you will learn how to turn your insights into stories that make your audience want to learn more about the important work your organization and volunteers are doing. You will learn:

  • What is Data Storytelling and the three fundamentals needed to create compelling stories
  • The creation of a data story
  • Resources available to use to create data stories

About the presenter:

BIO: Volunteering has always been more than just a cause for Veronica. Veronica recognized that the people behind the volunteer work had great stories that led them to their volunteer cause. While working as a Program Coordinator for the University Health Network (UHN), she built programs that held both great importance to the patients they served, and the volunteers who gave so much of their dedication to. She later transitioned into a Project Coordinator role that allowed her to really showcase the volunteers, their efforts, and told the stories of their successes through storytelling in annual reports and monthly infographics. Since, she has shifted gears and is working for the Talent Acquisition team at UHN and is the Social Media Manager for UHN Careers. Veronica has volunteered with TAVA on their Executive Board and currently is the Vice Chair for PAVRO and was the Conference Committee Chair for this year’s PAVRO conference.

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